Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chocolate Covered Oreos

So, can you think of something tastier than the simple goodness of an oreo cookie?  I don't know too many people who don't like oreos and I can think of only one thing better than an oreo....

An oreo covered in chocolate!

I thought I would try my hand at these after I realized that getting that perfect shape around the oreos required a simple mold that I found online.  There are several places you can find oreo molds, but I found a great selection at Spinning Leaf.  They have all sorts of shapes and designs to choose from.  And right now they are sending a free mold with every order (bonus)!

For my first attempt, I decided to try to make bat ones for Halloween and some man in the moon face ones just because that face made me laugh.  These molds are a really good quality, easy to use and very easy to wash.  

I gathered up all my necessities.  Oreos, of course!  Chocolate candy wafers, a microwave safe bowl, a mold painter, a funnel and some Crisco or vegetable oil. Thanks so much to Bakerella for this tip.  I never knew this before, but adding a little vegetable oil or crisco as you melt your chocolate will thin it out and make it a lot easier to work with an pour.

Melting the chocolate in the microwave is pretty easy.  I did it in thirty second intervals in a microwave safe bowl, stirring after every thirty seconds.  I then used the funnel to transfer some of my orange chocolate into a mold painter, just a little bottle with a fine tip end.  This is a great tool if you want to paint on some colors in your mold.  

I used some orange to make the bats on my oreos stand out.  This took a little time, but once I got the hang of it, it went quickly.  Before moving on I had to let this set, so I stuck it in the fridge for about 10 minutes and took a break...I might have eaten an oreo or two along the way.

Then I melted some milk chocolate and poured it into the mold, filling about halfway.  I dropped the oreos in next, twisting each one slightly as I did to be sure that the groove between the two cookies got filled in with chocolate.  The chocolate began to come up over the top of the cookie.

Then I spooned a little more chocolate over the rest of the oreo to cover it up.  Its important not to overfill (as I did on some) because it makes the edge of your cookie come out unsmooth. And back in the fridge for a little while to set.

When they were done, they popped right out of the mold.  You can see how a few had less than perfect edges...but no too bad for my first attempt!

I used the leftover orange (rather than waste it) and some mint flavored dark chocolate for these guys.  The mint was a nice touch too.  Kind of made it hard to decide which to eat first.

And they were a big hit with everyone!

So, give it a try and let me know how it goes. 
I am looking forward to trying it again.  Next up: Yo Gabba Gabba inspired oreos.  I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. You're supposed to use double stuffed Oreos with the spinning leaf molds.
